Why Buy Handcrafted?

Are handcrafted goods better than mass produced? For me, it depends on what it is, and what it costs. Too many times we are caught out by false economy, buy because its cheap, without a thought of WHY its cheap, and then moan because its fallen apart after a few months. Even expensive ' luxury ' brands are cutting corners, sacrificing quality but still charging a fortune, living off name alone. We take the word of these massive brands that their goods are made from 'quality' materials, 'genuine' or 'real' leather, (which is actually bonded leather, leather dust pulped and bonded to a fabric base) when in fact many are not.

So, with my handcrafted leather goods, I can tell you exactly what hide each item is made from, and can GUARANTEE that the leather, threads, colours, finishes and furniture are of premium quality, and are made to last for years, and actually look better the older they get, as veg tan leather patinas with age.

Handcrafted is more expensive, but quality counts. Years of practice, aquiring tools, honing skills so that every item produced has earned its place in the world and will live on long after us, passed down for generations to come.

I've made wallets, card holders, belts, pet collars, dopp bags, tote bags, messenger bags, keyfobs etc... and now feel my skill level is such that I can confidently sell my items. Everything is made from Full Grain veg tan leather, recycled (when possible) chrome tan leather, and heavy canvas, finished with premium products.


All my leather is sourced from UK suppliers that ensure all hides are ethically sourced from by-products of the food industry, and are european in origin, making it the most environmentally friendly way of producing goods.

I have been working with shoes and leather for 15 years, and started concentrating on leather restoration for the last 10 years. I started making leather goods 3 years ago, so you can be assured your leather goods are in safe hands.

Gordon (owner & craftsman)